Here are some screencaps of our highly anticipated release of the 1977 Columbia Picture title THE FARMER! Hope this gives a taste of the brutal exicitment THE FARMER delivers! Remember, The Farmer does not get mad, he gets even!
Our good friend Don Jones, director of THE FOREST, LOVE BUTCHER and SCHOOLGIRLS IN CHAINS, is featured in this month's MASS APPEAL magazine! Check it out! We are happy to see Don finally getting the recognition he deserves from the cult fans everywhere! Thanks to Jay Riggio of MASS APPEAL magazine!
Here are some screen shot of our brand new 16x9 transfer of SOLE SURVIVOR, taken from the films original InterPositive. As you can see, it is much more brighter than the old dark and dingy Vestron copy! We hope the fans of the film will be happy with the result when this comes out, early 2008!